Skybridge Communications Inc.成功案例

Skybridge Communications Inc.導入Google Cloud Platform服務
by 樂雲


利合博國際股份有限公司導入GOOGLE CLOUD服務

【Skybridge Communications Inc.】

Skybridge Communications Inc.是由Samuel Chan於2008年創立的金融科技和IT公司。我們的願景是創新支付解決方案,並成為聚合支付公司。我們在4個主要國家/地區設有辦事處,僱用7個不同國籍的員工。最重要的是,我們將所有成功歸因於獨一的上帝。業務介紹如下:

Skybridge Communications Inc. is a fintech and IT company founded by Samuel Chan in 2008. We have the vision to innovate payment solutions and become an aggregation payment company. We have offices in 4 major countries employing workers of 7 different nationalities. Above all, we attribute all the success to the one and only God. Business introductions as follow:

【English Bell】

2009年,塞繆爾(Samuel)在菲律賓時,湧入了許多國際亞洲學生學習英語。他藉此機會為在線英語學習創建了一個專業平台,並與宿霧的維薩亞斯大學合作。 English Bell Online目前可接待10,000多名國際學生,並僱用了100多名教師,並在南部皇后市(宿霧)設有專門的教學中心。

In 2009, while in the Philippines, Samuel saw an influx of international Asian students learning English. He took this opportunity to create a professional platform for online English learning and partnered with the University of Visayas in Cebu. English Bell Online currently caters to more than 10,000 international students and employs over 100 teachers with a dedicated teaching center in the Queen City of the South (Cebu).


2018年,塞繆爾(Samuel)在菲律賓創立了SkyPay Payment Inc.,這是一家支付網關解決方案公司,為金融交易提供創新的服務技術。從2019年到2020年,我們一直在快速增長並且成功。每年通過超過100萬筆交易處理數十億美元。

In 2018, Samuel started SkyPay Payment Inc., a payment gateway solution company in the Philippines providing innovative service technology for financial transactions. We were having a quick growth and success from 2019 to 2020. Processing billions of dollars through over 1 million transactions in a year.


在2019年,我們成立並領導了FastPay Int'l Ltd.,這是一家位於台灣的金融服務解決方案提供商,旨在幫助改善OFW工人和海外移民工人的生活。 FastPay APP是針對農民工的基於付款和匯款的移動應用程序。該服務於2020年正式啟動。我們期待來年能有更大的成功。

In 2019, we founded and are spearheading FastPay Int'l Ltd., a financial service solution provider based in Taiwan to help improve the lives of OFWs and migrant workers abroad. The FastPay APP is a payment and remittance based mobile app for migrant workers. The service was officially launched in 2020. We are looking forward to great success for the upcoming year.


Google Cloud

.Compute Engine - 採用預先定義或自訂機器大小的運算基礎架構,可加快雲端遷移作業。

.Stackdriver Logging - 可擴充的記錄檔解決方案。

.Cloud SQL - 適用於 MySQL、PostgreSQL 和 SQL Server 的全代管關聯資料庫服務。

.Cloud Memorystore for Redis - 利用 Redis 及 Memcached 適用的可擴充記憶體內服務改善延遲情況。這項服務不僅安全,且可用性極高。

.Cloud DNS - Google 全球網路提供穩定、彈性佳且低延遲的 DNS 服務。